September 12, 2012


Wednesday Afternoon

Either way you call it, I had both Mexican and Italian! Lunch was full of fiber!! Great for satiety. Which, speaking of satiety, my slightly measly breakfast really did hold me over decently until lunch. Way to go butter! Okay- back to THIS meal.
Mushroom cap pizza + rice explosion!
 Well, it's really just brown rice reheated with stuff thrown in, but doesn't rice explosion sound more fun?? The mushroom cap was cleared of it's frills, heated under the broiler, topped with Muir Glen marinara + sicilian jack cheese, stuck BACK under the broiler until cheese melted. EASY.
The rice was heated back up on the stovetop with a bit of broth for rehydrating. Mixed in a little ricotta cheese for a binder + almond milk for a binder, sautéed peppers, jalapeños and tex mex spices.

Mushroom caps gets two thumbs up but the rice gets maybe a pinkie. It was still bland despite the spices and still dry despite the hydration. Huh. Well, can't win 'em all!
Since the only part of me that is not achingly sore is my abs (they are just minimally sore) I did a round of the best abs circuit by Tone It Up. Also did jumping jacks and other random cardio. Cardio doesn't bad.

I was reading through some old posts from Hawaii and it made me nostalgic, so thankful we were able to take such an incredible trip!! Can't believe there are only 9 months until the next big vacation ;)

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