September 5, 2012


Wednesday Afternoon

This morning during calendar time I started teaching the daycare kids fall songs. How strange that felt! Where did summer go? I had so much I wanted to do like go camping, go to King's Island and ride roller coasters, do more biking, have more picnics, get to the pool more... I suppose though that just because the calendar says September doesn't mean I can't still cram stuff in :) After all, we often experience "Indian summer" here in Indiana!

OH boy did I know what one component of my lunch was going to be today! Chips. And for one very specific reason. Zach made guacamole yesterday!!!
This is always a wonderful occurrence here at the Rabenstein household because my husband can MAKE some guacamole :) He actually used to work at Qdoba back in the day and was always the guacamole maker because he was so good at it! Over the years he has perfected an awesome recipe. I don't have the exact recipe (bug him for it in the comments if you want it ;) ), but here are a few pictures of the fresh ingredients he used.

 Fresh garlic below if you didn't know :)

So chips + guac + salsa it was along omelette! Hillary wrote to me on Facebook yesterday about how she was making omelets for dinner and how it reminded her of me because when we used to live together I would fix her omelets all the time. That's a true story and it had me craving the cheesy, eggy goodness of one today :)

Egg white omelette with red and green pepper, sicilian jack cheese, smoked cheddar, S+P and Italian seasoning. Check out the beautiful cheese :)

Afternoon workout = arms using dumbbells + pushups. Burn baby burn!

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