April 26, 2012


Thursday Afternoon: 4/26/12
As much as I am trying to get to the point where I just looove to eat raw veggies with no dip or condiment  or anything, I am not quite there yet. There are some things that I can munch plain like tomatoes, carrots, peppers...but others such as cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, etc. still require SOMEthing.

So today I created a dip that is all-natural and all-delicious and I have to share it with you!!
I used:
  -1 tsp. FAGE
  -1 tsp. Nayonnaise
  -a dash of parsley
  -a dash of dill weed
  -a dash of onion salt
  -a teeny-tiny bit of garlic

Mixed it all together and created a fabulous veggie dip!

Now Nayonnaise is a great product if you like Mayo. I never really used mayonnaise all that often, but once in a while I like the tangy taste of it. Unfortunately it is not exactly natural OR a health food. Nayonnaise on the other hand is an organic product made with all-natural, real food ingredients and presents a great nutritional label. (Only 35 cal. for a TBS!)
Green peppers, carrots, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes all for dipping!

Gym Time

I did it! Ran 3.1 straight on the treadmill! Did it in 30 min. even. My goal for the race is under 29, but we shall see. I was so pleased to be able to do this though! The first 2 miles were a breeze but the last mile was pretty tough. (It could be because the first two miles I started at 5.8 and worked up to 6.2 and the last mile worked from 6.2 up to 6.9)

Had my iPod in my ears to keep me pumped up and on the treadmill TV I set it to TLC's "A Baby Story." Honestly it's not really my kind of show, but while running I found it quite motivating. The women looked so miserable and in so much pain that I figured what I was doing was a cakewalk compared to childbirth!!

Weight: 120.5 Down a bit, but still hoping for teens tomorrow!

I wasn't hungry really again until 5. All that fiber!! So you could call this a laaate extension of lunch (since lunch was so small) or an afternoon snack. Whatever you call it, I call it yummy! A slice of banana bread that Zach's mom gave to me :)

Dinner tonight is a free-for-all, too many leftovers are piling up! Who knows what will end up on my plate?

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