Saturday Morning: 4/28/12
What in the wrong with me?! Last night along with fatigue I had a bit of a scratchy throat. I had a great night's sleep and woke up with still a scratchy throat, but otherwise feeling good and ready to bust out a hardcore workout. As I got up and moving around the house I started having some really twisty stomach pains, but pushed through and ate a half a banana to fuel my workout.
On the way to the gym I was feeling worse but told myself it would go away and I could push through it. You know what's embarrassing? Going into your gym, swiping your card, getting right outside your workout class then suddenly being in so much pain you have to leave immediately past everyone who JUST SAW you come in.
It's so strange because I am not someone who gets sick very often or really has stomach pain or any pains but this morning was unbearable! I so wanted to get in class and just push through it and I really believed I could do that. Right up until it was time for class to start. I actually had to sit on bench and take a break just on my walk out of the gym!? So weird.
So now I am home (having disposed of most of last nights snack and probably dinner... :/ not throwing up at least) and hoping that the last bit of pain I am still experiencing will subside so I can get on with my day and still get a great workout in later!
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