It's ironic I titled this A New Beginning because honestly I am not quite sure just WHERE to begin! I have toyed around with the idea of creating food blog for quite some time and I have decided to take the leap and do it! I don't know where this blog may go or what the future could hold for it, but right now I am starting this for me and no other reason. I have struggled so long with trying to lose some weight by maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle but I run into the same roadblock OVER and OVER...myself. I keep a daily food journal, but it has become too easy to write down in oh-so-small-letters the unhealthy extras that creep into a day (ice cream here, a few glasses of wine there). One of my fervent hopes for this blog is that it will help keep me accountable. I plan on photographing every single thing I eat and maybe, just maybe, if I know that I have to put something on a domain for the world to see it will force me to think twice about sneaking a bite of something or that fat-loaded late night snack.
I want to ramble and say all kinds of things about myself and my journey but I know it would make for a WAY too detailed post and I figure all of those things will come out in the long run if I can keep this up, so for now I will start with posting my first meal. I plan on posting three times a day after breakfast, lunch and dinner and will also include my workouts.
Lunch today was a salad. I know, very thrilling right ;) While I can't say I absolutely L. O. V. E. salads like some people, I do love the benefits they provide my body and how they make me feel. Thing is, I really don't have a problem ordering a salad at a restaurant and find I normally love how it tastes. At home though I feel like I make the same salad each time and it can get to be a bit boring. It's a constant "what veggies are in my fridge that I need to use up before they go bad? let's use them all on this pile of lettuce" so I try to reserve salad lunches for 3 times a week.
Today's salad was:
Mushrooms and Green Peppers sautéed in olive oil spray
Grape Tomatoes
Sprinkle of Feta cheese
All served on a bed of romaine with Drew's Smoked Tomato Dressing and accompanied by some H2O
I have been gifted with the ability to be able to work out off and on the whole day because I operate a licensed home childcare. So each day I work out a bit in the morning before they arrive, an afternoon workout during their nap-time and then head to the gym after work. I also throw in random "workouts" all throughout the day such as 50 jumping jacks here, 100 butt kicks there, maybe some push-ups while they eat snack, etc.
Today's afternoon workout (which I will most likely always refer to as nap-time workout) was a circuit of toning moves from a you-tube video called Under the Sea by Tone It Up. I will have to dedicate an entire post on Tone It Up soon because I will reference them CON-STANT-LY.
See you all (which really means see just myself...) here after dinner!
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