July 11, 2012


Wednesday Morning

Last night Zach got home at 9:30 and will continue to do so Tues-Thurs the next several weeks :/ Soccer season is upon us! Zach is a soccer coach for a high school boys team and practices have already started. During the summer he runs morning AND evening sessions which always keeps him busy.

Now though, he is extra busy because he is also the head coach for this high school's girls team as well!! So this means back-to-back practices multiple times a day. It's crazy he is the coach for both, but he has assistants on both teams so the few times that games overlap (they normally won't) his assistant can take over. Soccer season for us is July to mid-October; it's going to be a busy next few months! I'm already missing him, especially since the past two weeks we got to be with each other literally 24/7 non-stop. But we'll make the most of the time we get! :)
I only have two types of cereal left in my pantry- Fiber One bran and Chocolate filled squares... Well, now only one kind since on this morning's bowl I used the last of the squares!

This was breakfast and while simple, I enjoyed it. I always like eating cereal because it takes awhile since I eat each piece individually (no milk for me!!).
Got in the 30 minutes on the gazelle for booty call.

Now good news!!! I have a menu made for the rest of the week, a grocery list drawn up and Zach is going to the store this morning! By lunch-time I will finally have some fresh food- thank goodness!

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