August 21, 2012


Tuesday Morning

Or rather...bottom of the nut butter jar!!
My very beloved Trader Joe's valencia PB jar was down to it's very last TBS so it was time for oatmeal in a jar!!
Stovetop: 1/3 cup rolled oats + 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk + 1/4 cup water + salt + 1/2 banana
Heated, whipped, until all the liquid was absorbed and the oats were fluffy and beautiful!
Stirred in at the end: vanilla + cinnamon + strawberries + other half of banana + flaxseed
Toppings: sweet and salty snack mix + 1 strawberry and sprinkles (for color and fun!!) :)

Take one...
Take two...
If you are going to put oatmeal in a plastic jar, LET IT COOL FIRST!

This was a delicious bowl jar of oats! I wished I had had a little cream cheese on hand but it was still great. It had been too long since I made oatmeal, that's for sure.

30 minutes on the gazelle for booty call and I'm ready to start my day!

*By the way, the mysterious acorn squash? ZACH put it there yesterday afternoon and I just didn't notice! Haha good to know that random strangers aren't breaking in and imparting vegetables on us...

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