August 8, 2012


Wednesday Afternoon

NOW it's Wed. afternoon! You will have to forgive my salad seemed the vegetables all jumped ship to do their own thing and wanted nothing to do with lettuce...
Or was it ME that wanted nothing to do with lettuce... Either way, today's lunch was a veggie tasting plate. I couldn't help it, I really needed a break from salads. Not vegetables, just lettuce I think.
So I had a mish mosh. Leftover broccoli + cauliflower from the other night, cooked some asparagus with garlic salt, and had cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. Made a dipping sauce of greek yogurt + a dash of an Italian dressing packet. That dip was great! I must do that again!
Hot plate:
Cold plate:
Who says that's not a meal? I am STUFFED
My legs/bum are killing me today! Definitely an arms kind of day, so that is what my afternoon workout entails. Loads of reps of arm toning moves with my dumbbells.

I will leave you with another daycare conversation brought to you by Jordan:
Girl to boy: "Where do you live?"
Boy: "In my house"
Girl: "Ohhh, okay!"

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