May 17, 2012


Thursday Afternoon

A moment of silence... :(
I just bought this adorable little bowl a week ago and I seriously think I have only used it once and now it's dead. I mashed up the avocado salsa mix in it to put on my salad then placed it on the counter with the dirty dishes. I didn't like how close to the edge it was and even THOUGHT "It would be terrible if my brand new bowl broke." Then I picked it up to move it to make it safer, had one of those slow-motion bobbling moments with it where it hit the edge of the counter, I tried to catch it and crash! Bummer.
Here it was in it's prime:

So anyways - Boring: That's how you will feel about my lunch today. At least that's how I felt! But man was I still SO FULL from the Oatmeal in a Jar. All I wanted was some fresh veggies to fuel my bike ride, so a simple salad it was.

Just cucumber, cherry tomatoes, green pepper, and jalapeños on a bed of spinach leaves with some salsa + mashed avocado "dressing."
Easy. Not super-duper flavorful. But it did the job.
Most of the time eating is an actual EVENT for me. I plan my meal, I fantasize about my meal, I savor my meal, then I talk about how good my meal was, I begin planning my next meal. But once in awhile I eat just because it's time to eat, my body needs some fuel and I just get it over and done with. This was one of those lunches.

You know the only times I am really okay with having a boring meal? When I have a REALLY EXCITING meal planned for the next one, and I do!! Zach and I are having a date night tonight at a fun, new restaurant that we are very excited about. I am hoping to partake in some amazing food and hopefully come back with amazing photos for you!

But first- a bike ride + a hair cut/color! (I am keeping my hair long but it needs trimmed up soo badly)


Bike Ride

A bit was absolutely glorious for a bike ride! Perfect temperature and beautiful blue skies. We do not have biker friendly streets here, but we do have the Cardinal Greenway. The Greenway is a paved bike/walk/blading path that goes for miles and miles and miles. Luckily we live really close to a Greenway entrance so I just biked straight to the Greenway. I biked for 50 minutes, which was about 9 miles (the Greenway has mile markers every .5 mi.) It was so peaceful riding out in the country all alone listening to music about the Creator of it all :)

The whole way back was in a pretty strong headwind and it was starting to get pretty tough, but I didn't mind- it meant I was getting a good workout! My legs are feeling pretty shot now though. Didn't weight myself, obviously, since I wasn't at the gym.

Really looking forward to this evening!

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