May 12, 2012


Saturday Morning

WHOOO!!!! Race is done and I beat last week's time by 27 seconds :) 

Backing up- we got up this morning and I just drank a little bit of water and had half of this Chocolate Coconut Chew Larabar. (A new flavor for me that I really enjoyed!)
We headed out to the middle school where this race was starting. It was soo much different than last week's 5K. Last week- thousands of people running in the city, this week-not even 100 people running in the country.

Leah and I preparing for our race:

The weather could not have been more perfect for running today!! Not too hot but not too cold, sun shining but with a little cloud cover and overall not too windy. I adored running out on the country roads. There were a couple stretches were we had a pretty powerful headwind but luckily we twisted and turned enough that it wasn't horrible.

I have never really ran with hills and there were a handful today (including a death hill in the last 1/2 mile!!) but they were not too much of a problem. I found that I really enjoyed the country road run! So peaceful and beautiful out in nature and I felt pretty strong and powerful, which was such a relief after how difficult last week's run was for me...

Coming into the home stretch:

Here's Leah!

We did it!!!
 After the race was finished I was starting to get hungry so I chugged some water and had this blindingly yellow banana.
 My wonderful husband/driver/photographer :D
We placed in our division!! It was so exciting to get an award! I got second place in our age group (20-29 yr. olds) and Leah got third!

Then to top off all the excitement I won a box of some pretty nifty drinking glasses as a door prize, can't wait to feature them on the blog ;)
This was such a fun morning and I definitely have race fever! I want to sign up for more and keep pushing to get better times. I am already planning on doing the 5K at the Indy Mini (the one I did last weekend) again next year and I wanted preferred starting so that I don't have to be SO FAR back in the corrals. Well you have to have a time of under 30 minutes to qualify for this and my race time last weekend was not a qualifier. But now I have a qualifying time!!

It's nice to have 3.1 under your belt this early in the day :)

Now Leah and I are heading to Indianapolis to get some delicious lunch and shop to our hearts content! (Hoping to find some attractive clothes for Hawaii)

Not quite sure when lunch will be up due to our plans, but enjoy your Saturday!

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