May 9, 2012


Wednesday Evening: 5/9/12

By the time I got done with work today I was feeling oh so fatigued. You know, the kind of fatigue where all these lovely thoughts of you flopping on the couch with no plans and maybe a bowl of cookie dough for company start dancing through your mind...

So what did I do? Suited up for the gym the second I was off so that I would have no excuses not to go. It definitely was not the most hard-core workout ever, but going and doing something is always better than doing nothing!

Did a leg weight machine, some ab equipment and 30 min. on the treadmill at 3.8 on a level 15 incline (392 calories burned).

Weight: 118.4

Would you be surprised if I told you I wanted a simple, healthy meal tonight? Not surprised? Me either.

On the menu: kale chips and a modified version of the Italian-style bacon alfredo bowl from the cookbook Hungry Girl 1-2-3.

Kale chips are easy, healthful and delicious.
Just wash and dry kale, tear into small "chip-size" pieces, drizzle with EVOO and sea salt (or any other seasonings you want) and bake in the oven at 450 degrees until they start to brown just slightly and get crispy. Serve with ketchup and prepare to be licking your fingers!

Unfortunately today is my day to ruin food. The pancake this morning was salvageable, the kale chips...not so much. I am pretty sure it's because the kale was slightly wilted in the oven and I didn't check on it soon enough and it burned to a crisp.
I swear I don't normally incinerate my meals!!

The alfredo bowl is incredible. Only 266 calories and we edited it to be even healthier.

This is not pasta. This is tofu.
Amazing no?? It does need to be very well washed and dried though.

I mixed in the cheeses (used the Laughing Cow light wedges, subbed real Parm cheese instead of fake (don't choose fake foods!), and subbed FAGE greek yogurt for sour cream). Next came the chicken, roasted red peppers and mushrooms and heated it all in the microwave. The bacon was unnecessary calories to us so we excluded it.

 This did need something green on the side but I felt too lazy to make a replacement for the burned kale chips. Zach ate them anyway...Haha! I can't stand a burnt taste but apparently he doesn't mind.

 You know I love any way to get a pasta fix and keep it healthy. Tofu pasta is a GREAT solution!!

We seasoned with pepper, red pepper flakes and a bit of sea salt. You do need good seasoning with tofu "pasta" or it has a bit of an off flavor.

This was super good and very filling! I was surprised at just how full I was for this being a one dish meal! I didn't even serve us up the full portion size and now we have leftovers. (Love us some leftovers)

Now Zach and I have plans to finish Julie & Julia. I am loving this movie more than any that I have seen in quite some time! I don't have to actually own many movies, but this just may be one I need to add to my collection of Harry Potters and Lord of the Rings :)

{Edited to add}
Had a tiny snack during Julie & Julia (they eat amazing food TOO much in that movie for me to not get hungry!!)

Had a 1/2 TBS of White Chocolate Wonderful with a few chocolate chips. Man am I flying through this jar of peanut butter.

The white chocolate flavor is seriously one of my all-time favorites. Gonna have to stock up on more soon!

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