June 11, 2012


Monday Afternoon

I have to keep reminding myself that there are still two weeks until vacation. Two weeks of being a teacher. Two weeks of doing laundry and chores. Two weeks of fixing meals. Two weeks of mundane life stuff. I can NOT just float off into la-la land quite yet. But I sure want to :)

Today = taco salad. I know I had Mexican for dinner last night, but since that meal didn't resemble anything close to nutrition (or even real food!) it's almost as though I am having a whole different food genre today!
In a pan I heated up some Italian seitan, onion, mushrooms and a bit of last week's cumin and lime black beans. *Yes I know you wouldn't normally find mushrooms on a taco salad, but I have a surplus of organic white mushrooms that need using!!*

While that was cooking I made a "dressing" out of salsa and avocado. This makes the best flavor combination!! Just mash ripe avocado into salsa and poof! Magic :) Although I have to confess I had a wrestling match with our unopened salsa jar for a good couple of minutes. I tried every trick in the book (twisting with a damp towel, twisting with a dry towel, banging on the counter...) and could NOT get the salsa to open. I was starting to panic with a taco salad almost prepared and the possibility of no salsa so I set it on the counter and started doing something else. As it's sitting there peacefully I hear *POP* and the seal popped open on its own!! Now THAT'S magic ;)
Threw my pan ingredients onto a bed of spinach + green leaf + red leaf lettuce with some sliced tomato.
Topped it all with the salsa dressing, a dollop of FAGE, cilantro and a serving of xochitl corn chips (pronounced so-sheel).

Better 'n Puerto and makes me feel much better too ;)

Afternoon Torture Workout

What better way to amp up my Monday and get back on track than with a ZWOW? 
Oh Zuzana Light...you are an evil genius.
Meet ZWOW 19. A lot of ZWOWs are anywhere from 12-19 minutes. Not this one. 28 minutes of intense exercise.
-10 water bottle cleans
-10 pistol squats
-10 water bottle pushups
-10 russian twists
-10 hip twists
-10 hollow rocks
for 5 INTENSE rounds.

If you have never seen a pistol squat, you must. I can not even come close to doing it properly. Go ahead, try one! They are HARD! I can say that I noticed I could get a little lower than the last time I did pistol squats but I am no where close to Zuzana's level...

Also this was my first time doing hollow rocks and I loved them! What a great core move- but you must keep your body completely tight, no moving to make you rock- you have to be tensed!

Somebody get me a towel...

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