June 22, 2012


Friday Afternoon

Whoo hoo for Chicago free wi-fi! I know when this post goes up it won't quite be Friday lunch-time yet, but it is either now or much, much later! This post is to show that with just a bit of preparation you CAN eat healthy on the go. Even in an airplane.

You already saw I packed bananas for breakfast, well I packed a lunch as well!

For our eating pleasure here is what we will be consuming throughout the flight this afternoon:

A lemon larabar to share (a new flavor I have yet to try- I will let you know what I think of it later!). An apple (Zach got impatient and already ate his!) Trader Joe's trail mix for munching (skip the processed chips and cookies they pass out- bring your own snacks!) And Ezekiel sprouted grain sandwiches with valencia pb + honey.
 I really wanted something green to round out our meal- some type of veggie/salad. But airports make it so hard to be remotely fresh/healthy!! Finally I stumbled upon Frontera. I was drawn to it originally because of their huge chalkboard that listed about 18 providers of where they get their food- the different farms providing meat, different dairies providing cheese/yogurt, different bakeries providing bread, etc. I hate buying pre-package foods (especially salad- yuck) and this place made them fresh on the spot! I got a side salad to share with Zach:
Romaine + arugula with caramelized onions, poblano peppers, radishes, and a sprinkle of contiqua (?) cheese (from a nearby farm :) ) with a guacamole dressing on the side!

I am sure it all tasted wonderful and satisfying :)

We will be arriving in Hawaii at 8pm Indiana time, which is only 2 in the afternoon HI time! I really have no idea about blogging while I am gone. I am still planning on doing it everyday and with three individual posts as usual for morning, afternoon and evening but the posts just might all go up at one time each day. Also, I am not sure how many different parts of the country (world!?) I have people reading from, but for all my Indiana friends the posts will be way off time-wise for you anyway since I will be 6 hours earlier than IN time.

We are SOO looking forward to just getting there and getting our toes in the sand :D

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