June 9, 2012


Saturday Afternoon

It's so nice having in-laws with a pool :)

Spent several hours today floating around on a mat, reading in a lounge chair and swimming some laps (of course you know I had to get in a little exercise too ;) ).

Story Time

I did have a particularly unpleasant moment with a critter though. There was a very large and fluffy (?) looking spider floating in the pool and I splashed it over to the edge where I scooped it up and tossed it out. I am not easily freaked out but I did think this spider was dead and I should have been more wary of it's odd "fluffiness" I suppose... When it hit the pavement not only did it jump into a large stance and become even bigger (not so dead after all!) but the second it touched down HUNDREDS (NOT an exaggeration) of the teeniest tiniest baby spiders flew off of it's back (the fluffiness!) and went running in every direction. I leapt out of the pool gracefully like a maniac, grabbed a flip flop and started beating the living daylights out of these things, starting with the enormous no-longer-fluffy mama. I tried to get as many of the little spiders as I could but over an hour later while reading at the other end of the pool a minuscule little spider showed up on the arm of the chair... *shudders*

Lunch Time

Headed home from the pool after a sufficient amount of sunbathing to seek out lunch. I put together this tasty salad:
-spinach + green leaf lettuce
-baby carrots
-drizzle Italian dressing
-sprinkle of nutritional yeast (this is a powdery deactivated yeast that has a slight cheesy taste to it. good to sprinkle right on top of stuff OR use to make a cheesy (non-cheese) sauce for pasta, chips, etc.)
Topped with a polenta square

The polenta square was the best part :)

Now getting ready and off to see Leah's sister Lori and her fiancé Aaron get married! Only wish my own groom wasn't missing and I didn't have to attend the wedding alone :/

Oh well, it will still be fun! I love weddings!

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