Whoo-hoo! The girls won tonight (11-0...ouch!) and so now both the girls and boys teams will be playing in the sectional championships games on Saturday! Man, they must have one great coach ;)
When I got home from the game I was HUNGRY and wishing dinner would magically appear in front of me. Alas, I am the wizard who had to make the food appear by first preparing it...luckily it didn't take too long. On tonight's menu was Tone It Up's macadamia crusted tilapia and I created a broccoli brown rice side dish.
I actually used peanuts on the tilapia because macadamias are expensive!! I have actually never had one (to my knowledge) and was looking forward to trying them but when I saw how much they were I decided to wait until a later date...or a restaurant. I made an incredibly pico to go on top of the fish made of fresh pineapple + onion + jalapeños + tomato.
The fish pre-pico.
The broccoli was a little spicy and the fish was REALLY spicy! In a good kind of way :) I liked them both quite a bit though, especially the fish.
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