October 9, 2012


Tuesday Afternoon

It was unthinkable for me to consider any lunch other than leftover vegan vegetable pie today!
 That along with an extra-large plum made up my noon-time meal.

 Still wishing I had FAGE to put on top of this pie... Oh and speaking of this dish, Zach had NO CLUE that this had tofu in it until I told him! He wouldn't have cared since he loves tofu, but I still love it when health foods taste so normal and good that people don't recognize them.

 Yes. Yes I did do my lunch shoot on a wooden, garden windmill.

Not sure how the evening workout will go because we have dinner plans in Indy tonight with Grant and Leah for my birthday! (Yes, my birthday lasts all month...) If I get off work with enough time I really want to get to the gym but if I don't then I will have to improvise. Since I'm not sure what my workout will look like tonight, I knew I needed to go hard this afternoon. No better way to do that than with a ZWOW! ZWOW 26 was a new one for me and that's what I went with today.
30 second intervals of:
-Plank with leg lift and jump up (right side)
-Side crunch (right side)
-Plank with leg lift and jump up (left side)
-Side crush (left side)
-Side-to-side squat
-Side-to-side push-up
-Knee hugs
-Elbow plank
-Bike press
-Plank jump

It's 10 minute workout. That's it. Anyone has 10 minutes!! Think that it sounds easy? To just do this "little 10-minute workout?" I thought maybe it would be. HA! How about you try it for yourself and see just how easy it is. (Wish I had a smirking emoticon.) This type of go-go-go intense workout (NO STOPPING) literally takes the place of an hour of phoning it in at the gym when you are doing things half-way and giving less than your best on a machine. Nothing but body weight, nothing but hardcore! Now THIS was a workout :)

*Edit- for anyone who read this when it was 8 minutes of fierce and I said 8 minutes in the whole post, I was wrong- it was 10! A lot of times I type up my post before I complete the workout and I didn't realize that the first two steps were repeated both sides initially which made it longer. Oops! Don't worry though, whenever I post a workout, even if it's before I do it, it always gets done!

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