October 1, 2012


Monday Afternoon

Advice to everyone: never play web MD. You probably already knew that though right? Seriously, looking up any symptoms you ever have on the internet is a recipe for panic. I have this bump under my right arm that is under the skin and is super painful. It came out of nowhere and I noticed it this morning when putting on deodorant suddenly became hurtful. I googled "painful bump in armpit" and got all kinds of results for breast cancer and hodgkins lymphoma and a variety of other terrifying diseases. You should never ignore your body when there is something different about it, but if I immediately ascribed to any of these I would be running off to the ER. Instead I think I will monitor it for the next few days and I am willing to bet it's just fine. :) I choose to go with the least of the evils for now- swollen lymph node it is!

Now that we are done talking about my *ahem* armpit (sorry) how about lunch?
Zach brought me a "truffle" mac from Noodles and Co. that had delicious mushrooms in it! I think I need to stop having him bring me a lunch though, it is inevitably always pasta...

I am wiped out this afternoon! I have been so tired lately. I know it's because I need to get back on my regular sleep schedule and STAY on it. Going to get my 8 (or more) square hours in tonight, that's for sure!

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