Remember breakfast? The little bowl of cereal + banana? Make that just a little bowl of cereal, Zach ate my banana on the way to the wedding! Ha! We got to Greensburg and had a church service in this little country church before the wedding. Once church was over I was commissioned to do Evelyn's (Zach's grandma) make-up.
She looked very lovely if I do say so myself! I took loads of pictures (over 300) and have to work on editing all of them, but for now I will just share a couple.
It was crazy being the photographer- I ran all over the place (my exercise for the day) and stood on chairs and pews and piano benches. My shoes were off the whole wedding because they were too hard to move quickly in :)
After the wedding there was a little reception where I had a glass of punch, my blood sugar was so low, but no cupcakes or cake- sticking true to my word!
Second wedding in a weekend without having wedding cake, I hardly recognize this girl. I was too busy shooting pictures to eat even if I had wanted to though!
Finally after 2pm we left the church and headed toward Muncie. We were so hungry at this point, especially with such a small breakfast. We stopped in Rushville at this little diner called I-can't-remember-the-name to rustle up food. Zach ordered these mac and cheese bite things (in the back) but I only had two of them, no fried food for me thanks. My meal came with two sides and I got salad (the best part of lunch today) and cottage cheese.
Zach ate 85% of the cottage cheese. I didn't think it was very good and I was actually filling up really fast for some reason. It was weird because I was SO hungry when we sat down but very full after my salad. My main item was grilled pollock.
It came with a roll (didn't eat it) and tartar sauce (only used a few dips into this). The fish was very oily/greasy and it didn't seem like typical grilled fish. What can you expect from a diner in no-where, Indiana I guess? I only ate half the fish and thus concluded our rather
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