April 20, 2012


Turbo was great tonight! Lots of sweating and great energy in the room.
Weight:  120.9 Well that's down almost 2 lbs. from 2 days ago! There won't be a weight for the next two days because I never weigh in on the weekends.

Whenever I am not sure how a meal is going to go, it is always good to be prepared!
For tonight I  -knew I would be hungry after turbo
                      -knew I had a two hour drive ahead of me and wasn't going to get where I was going until
                       a little after 8
                      -did NOT know what (if anything) we were going to do about food this evening

So what to do? Well I brought along for the car ride a lovely banana and a small container of Fage greek yogurt (more on that sometime) slightly sweetened with agave along with a little baggie of granola for topping.

This was a great tide over for that after workout hunger (though no easy feat to eat in the car!) and now I am in Bloomington with my BEST FRIEND! Anything that happens to pass these lips later will get documented in the morning!

We are hitting the sack LATE at midnight and believe it or not I didn't have any food or drinks for the whole night. Just wasn't feeling any wine tonight and while I was really hungry, the opportunity to eat didn't really present itself until after 11:00. I can't say I wasn't tempted to get some food from somewhere, ANYwhere at that point, but I know how terrible it is to eat this late at night and then fall right asleep. As difficult as it was I did not give into temptation and I can guarantee breakfast will taste that much better in the morning! :)

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