April 25, 2012


Wednesday Morning: 4/25/12

Good morning world! Happy Hump Day. I feel like this week has been moving decently fast so far; hope you feel the same!

Spooky is such a scavenger cat, he only eats for FUN and not for health ;)
(The big butter tub and thing of OJ are both daycare kid food)

On to breakfast:
Wanted some poached eggs whites this morning, so egg whites it was! There are so many different methods of poaching eggs, but I use an easy tried-and-true one that I grew up with.

I simply spray the inside of a glass with some non-stick cook spray and pour in egg whites. We use liquid whites from a carton because I hate to waste the half an egg by taking the yolk out.
Then cover the glass and nuke it in the microwave until it poaches!
Serve with a side of grapes and enjoy :)
I was plowing through the grapes as though I had never seen one before and I had to stop and remind myself to SLOW DOWN. It is so important to properly chew your food well for optimal digestion and slowly so that your body has more time to realize it's fullness. Often we wolf food down, still feel hungry, eat more and then are suddenly stuffed. We have to learn to listen to our body's cues and one of the ways to do that is by not eating too fast.

When I was reading the book The End of Overeating (highly recommend) the very first paragraph of the Introduction taught me a valuable lesson.
Excerpt: "They attack their food with a special kind of gusto. I've seen them lift their forks, readying their next bite before they've swallowed the previous one..."

This was one of those statements that just made me stop and think, "WOW. That's me. How often do I think about the next bite or the next course while eating and not take time to savor and truly appreciate the food in front of me." Since the day I read this I make it a forceful habit to put down my fork (spoon, sandwich, whatever) in between bites and not pick it back up until I have properly chewed and enjoyed what is in my mouth.

Booty call today = 30 minutes on gazelle and stretching.

I was wrong yesterday about the Hawaii countdown, TODAY it is 58 days until vacation. WA-HOO!!

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