April 27, 2012


Friday Evening: 4/27/12


The gym kind of felt like one big fail tonight to be honest. I got off work late (much later than a normal Friday) so we were running late to Turbo Kick. We talked about going ahead and jumping into it in the back of the class, but when we got there it was so packed we couldn't fit :/ I also was feeling some serious fatigue during the last hour of work and that was only compounded when I was let down about turbo. Ended up doing just an easy 20 minutes on the treadmill and was feeling so, so tired.

Weight: 120.5 Another let-down. Was really hoping to see the teens by today and it didn't even budge from yesterday :/ I KNOW I will hit the teens next week, whatever it takes.

A Brighter Note

I was so excited to make tonight's recipe! Meatless Zucchini Lasagna by Taste of Home! I am such a ridiculous pasta fanatic and am always looking for ways to get my pasta fix without sacrificing my waist-line.

We had pans galore going on the stove! (Thankfully I had an adorable kitchen helper) We had the noodles boiling away, onion+garlic+tomato paste+spices going in another to make sauce, and zucchini boiling in it's own saucepan. A cheese mixture was created on the side with egg and ricotta and then the layering began.
 -Tomato sauce
 -Ricotta mixture
 -More tomato sauce
 -Mozz cheese
 -REPEAT (Adding the parmesan cheese at the very end)

For our side dish (and for one more pan on the stove) I made asparagus. All I do is spray our pan with olive oil spray, snap the woody ends off the asparagus, sauté it until tender and dash it with garlic salt. Not sure why, but my husband thinks these are the. best. asparagus. Hah! At least it's so easy to please him :D
This recipe made quite a bit of lasagna! That means leftovers :)
Ooey, gooey, melty, cheesy. Happiness.
This was SOOOO fantastic! And with each piece coming in at only 280 calories (large pieces!) I can hardly stand it!!! My piece wasn't even a full serving size!

(Shared asparagus) I had to go back for seconds. Including a couple bites straight from the dish ;) shhh...it was THAT GOOD.

Tonight I am settling in with my friend Hillary to introduce her to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. (Remember my obsession with all things HP and LOTR?) I have been trying forever to get her to watch the series and tonight we start with the first one :)

Ready to bust it out in the gym bright and early tomorrow for both turbo AND strength training and have an incredible fun, healthy, active weekend!

{Edited to add}


Ooof. Well I was just feeling empty and hungry and all around cranky so I sliced up a banana, drizzled it with honey and served it with a side dipping sauce of PB mixed with melted Cacao Bliss.
This was delicious, I was happy and this would have been a good and fine snack for my evening. I did not need anything else. Then my husband made a fruit pizza. Mmm boy. Last time I had fruit pizza had to be well over a year and a half ago. Normally I can exercise great will-power, but tonight my will-power meter was completely drained (I blame all of the fatigue/munchiness/etc. on that time of the month...) So I ate this slice...times 2. Yikes. Good thing I have a double workout in the morning!

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