July 5, 2012


Tuesday Morning

We slept in this morning a bit and after we woke just kind of lazed around our condo. The combination of of a gray morning and yesterday's all day Hana adventure had us feeling a bit like bums! It was so cloudy out that the island of Molokai- normally visible from our lanai- was completely shrouded!
Eventually Zach went out and got us some breakfast to go from Sunrise Cafe. We had read a lot of good things about this place, but were sadly disappointed. He brought it back so we could eat on our lanai and I opened my breakfast of portuguese sausage, rice and over easy eggs to discover...scrambled eggs!!!
Now you know I am not a picky eater and I love eggs all kinds of ways, but over my past several trips to Hawaii I had developed a special fondness for runny eggs + rice. I hadn't yet had this combo on this trip and was really looking forward to it, so it was a bit heartbreaking. Especially because none of it was very good. :/

Zach ordered the highly recommended eggs benedict which also wasn't that thrilling...
The sticky bun we shared was good, but not anything all that special.
Bummer of a breakfast! But at least we're in Hawaii :)

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