August 10, 2012


Friday Afternoon

Chug a lugging through my day! I have a small group of kids today- just 6 out of my usual 10! Not complaining though, it's nice to end the week on a less crazy note :)

I was so excited for lunch today. So excited to eat anything that wasn't a salad... Though lettuce was still incorporated in the form of kale!

Egg white veggie scramble it was!
Sautéed peppers + onions for a bit, add tomatoes half-way through. In a separate skillet I wilted kale in a bit of chicken broth before adding it into the veggie skillet. Then covered it all in egg whites and cooked it into a scramble seasoned with my wonderful Hawaiian Alaea salt.
At the very end of cooking I stirred in a couple TBS of last night's roasted red pepper peanut sauce until warm. THAT was a goooood idea!!
 This was so magnificent. :)
I recently attacked my kitchen and got rid of quite a bit to make it a more organized place. While doing so I found lots of things I had forgotten I even had and some I didn't even KNOW I had. Such as a set of really heavy ornate silverware that contained: 1 small spoon, 1 big spoon, 1 small fork, 1 big fork, 1 knife. No clue where this came from or why there is only one of each utensil, but I kept them since they were pretty. :) Well I have decided I love the small spoon!
It's like the size of my baby spoon! Which I love for slower consumption. Big silverware are clunky and overrated to me! Here's a comparison of a large spoon and regular spoon next to my new baby spoon.
I'm glad to have two itty bitty spoons now :)

See my little monkey kitty?
Dixie cat is so cute :)
Poor gazelle was lonely with my change up in morning workout... So I made it feel more appreciated by doing a half hour this afternoon :D

Turbo kick tonight!!!  

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