June 13, 2012


Wednesday Morning

I must have had some great sleep last night because I had not one, but TWO bursts of inspiration this morning! I knew I was going to have yogurt (using up that fridge!!) but I wanted it to be something different than usual. My first inspiration was almond flavoring.
*Check out my new green leaf bowl! Love the structure and it's small size!!*
I have only recently discovered just how much I love the taste of almond in things. It's always fun when you realize just what it is that makes you love different foods you have always liked. It wasn't until I tasted an almond sparkling wine just a few weeks ago at Cooper's Hawk on Mother's Day that I realized- I love almond flavoring! Now that I know what it is I love about so many styles of cake and frosting (the almond!) I want to incorporate it more in my meals. So I added just a 1/16th of a tsp. of almond extract to my FAGE. Genius! It may not have been a large amount, but a little goes a looong way.

My second inspiration (which may seem obvious to you, but sadly has not been obvious to me until just now) was banana! You know how much I love bananas and I do a million different things with them, but I have NEVER put a banana in yogurt. I think in the back of my mind I thought it would be weird for some reason... SO glad I was wrong! The banana made the yogurt (well, that and the almond... ;) )
So along with the banana and almond extract I put honey, granola and cinnamon into the yogurt.
Presented with a slice of Ezekiel cinnamon raisin toast.

The banana in yogurt thing will definitely be happening again. Wondering what else I can do with bananas...

By the way- my mom HATES bananas. With a passion. Not sure where my obsession stems from!

Booty Call = 30 minutes of gazelle time. I bought that gazelle for 12 bucks at a garage sale over 2 years ago. Don't know what I would do without it, seriously!

9 days.
9 days.
9 days.

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