June 16, 2012


Saturday Evening

It's been quite awhile since we have had people over! Just last night we decided that we wanted to throw a cookout and it came together quite nicely. Our group of friends has always been stellar with the impromptu :) We wanted a last hurrah before we leave mainland US behind for half a month and no better way to kick off the summer than with a cookout!
My contribution to the cookout was something I searched quite a while for. In cookouts past I have completely banned inhibition (and good sense) and stuffed my face with multiple burgers and/or hot dogs, chips, pasta salad, desserts, etc. There normally isn't even a healthy option in sight.

Tonight I was prepared. For starters since all of our friends were contributing food we asked one to bring a fruit salad. Secondly, I made a side dish that I knew I would feel 100% good about consuming- lemon caper chickpea salad. This was easy to make and deliciously healthy to eat! Finally, I was GOING to pick up veggie burgers to have as well, but since we had snacks at the wedding I was too full for them!

When we got home from the wedding I simply made up the dressing my combining:
-juice of 1/2 a lemon
-lemon zest
-sea salt

This dressing went onto my mix of:
-cherry tomatoes

I had a plate that looked like this:
Aaaaand then had about 2 more times that amount of fruit!!! :) I loooove fruit and it was tasting awesome tonight!
It was delicious and now, now it's time for me to get back to the cookout!!

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