September 20, 2012


Thursday Afternoon

Ah! I was so excited about this morning's oatmeal that I forgot to mention my booty call! No, I didn't skip out. Did my 30 minutes on the gazelle like always.

Our refrigerator is rapidly accumulating leftovers (somebodies been cooking lots again...) and I deemed it necessary to start using some up. Especially since I am fixing dinner again tonight! Tomorrow night will have to be leftovers I am sure...
I ate more of my salmon salad, this time on crackers; more green beans with tomatoes and garlic and a plum.

Well balanced and delicious!

Okay- I want to talk about something that has been on my mind. Carbs. Carbs do NOT make you fat. Whoever decided to come up with diets like Atkins honestly didn't know a thing. Not just in my opinion, but in the facts I am about to present to you.

Carbohydrates exist naturally in foods (it is the unnatural things that get added in the science lab that ought to really scare you!) The protein repairs and rebuilds cells, fats provide hormonal functions for cells and the carbs energize our cells. When you decide to eliminate carbs you might as well decide to wave goodbye to your energy.
Unfortunately people think that all weight loss = good weight loss. Not necessarily true. When you go on a low-carb diet the primary weight loss that results is muscle loss (slowing your metabolism down) and water loss (causing problems for your kidneys that can sometimes end in ketosis). Is dropping a few pounds worth putting yourself in danger and losing your muscle tone?
Glucose, coming from carbs, is the favored fuel for ones muscles, brain, and central nervous system. So a breakdown of glycogen (the storage form of glucose) causes fatigue and confusion, which inhibits the desire and ability to exercise.  Part of the reason carbs get a bad rap is that people fill up on highly-refined grains—cookies, white flour, etc.  But restrict whole-grain carbohydrates and you’ll be missing out on fiber, B vitamins, thiamin, niacin, and protein.
No this doesn't mean go out and eat enormous servings of pasta just because you suddenly realize carbs are not the devil. (Really it's the sauce, not the pasta that's full of the saturated fat and cholesterol). You still need to be moderate.  The thing is that when people cut something so completely out of there life that our body is rightfully begging for, it is dangerous and more often than not is difficult to sustain. Bringing you back to a state where you overload on carbs and gain all that you lost but this time in the form of fat.

Nope. I am not a doctor and I would not dictate someones diet for them as every body is different. But I have done a lot of research on this subject and feel passionately that people are scared of the WRONG THINGS. Did you know that fruits have carbs too? Anyone that tells you not to eat fruit (unless it is for medical reasons) is crazy!! Don't fear carbs, love them! :)

-Afternoon workout: jumping jacks, butt kicks, jump rope + arms (three-point row, bench dip, slingshot)

1 comment:

  1. That is why I have always said that Atkins can't be good because it says that you can't have fruit! Weight Watchers used to say that too but they have recently changed their program to allow you to eat basically as much fruits and veggies that you want. Eating fruit never made anyone fat! lol
