September 11, 2012


Tuesday Afternoon

Guess what happens when I go out on a limb and have savory for breakfast?? I crave sweet for lunch!!
Don't worry, don't worry, I didn't do something as horrific silly as having frozen yogurt for lunch again, I made up a PBB&J wrap instead! La Tortilla Factory tortilla spread generously with Maranatha peanut butter (this is growing on me more and more) and the very end of a jar of Crofter's pomegranate. Then layered in banana slices. How many adjectives can I come up with for delicious? I too often use tasty, yummy, good, about scrumptious? This was scrumptious!

It was especially scrumptious paired with brussels + ketchup! Don't consider brussels scrumptious? Shame on you :)

Look at the drippy, creamy peanut butter!
Shy little banana...didn't want to come out of his peel and play!

Did a ZWOW today! A repeat- ZWOW9. This one is one I like for it's short length but intense moves. For 10 minutes do as many rounds as possible of the following:
-10 santana push-ups
-10 3-pike plyo Tucks
-30 crab toe touches
-20 low jacks
Can someone say owww for me? I'm much too tired to....

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