September 12, 2012


Wednesday Evening

For some reason I had really good energy at the gym tonight and kinda didn't do a good job at having just a moderate walking workout like I planned... Did 30 minutes on the treadmill, incline 15, 392 calories burned. Then followed it up with 15 minutes on the elliptical, 162 burned. It was a lovely workout :)

Guess who is home for dinner (and the evening) tonight?!?! ZACH!!! I know, I never would have guessed either. Haha. I think this is the first weeknight I have had him since before Labor Day weekend!  Fixed tofu to celebrate. :) Some people wouldn't consider that a celebration...
This is the second night in a row I have used my "Vegan Planet" cookbook- and I love it so far! Tonight's dish was Three-Way Sesame Coated Tofu Strips with Spicy Broccoli. I couldn't find this online, so I cannot divulge the exact recipe. What I CAN tell you is that it is not hard at all!
Here is the gist- cut tofu into strips, dredge it in a mixture of tahini and tamari, coat in sesame seeds and cook in peanut oil. Steam broccoli to be stir-fried at the end with pepper flakes and more peanut oil. Top it all with some sesame oil. Would not be difficult at all to do on your own without the specific measurements!
My plate had three strips of tofu but I actually only at 2 and 1/4. I got really full! I don't mean that in a haha, yeah right I got full off tofu strips type of way but in a seriously stuffed to the gills way! I blame it on the 20oz. or so of water that was chugged at dinner because it was so spicy :)
Zach and I went for a walk after dinner and are working on my painfully tough puzzle. Better get back to pieces that don't really fit together!

{Edited to add}
While ending the night watching some LOTR *gasp* surprise! (Or not so much...) I wanted a little snack, but not a big snack. Enter half a frozen banana + 1 tsp of Justin's hazelnut almond butter!
Much better :)

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