May 11, 2012


Friday Afternoon

You may have noticed I am not a super-big sandwich person. I do like them fine but it seems I always end up choosing other things. This week I had really been thinking about a good sandwich combination and I decided to try it out today.

When it comes to starches- bread is not my weakness (now pasta is a whooooole 'nother story...) So therefore it makes it very easy for me to choose to have a sandwich open-faced. Open-faced can mean you have both slices of bread with items on them and don't put it together to form a sandwich OR it can just mean to leave off the top piece, which is what I am referring to.

I actually prefer sandwiches this way. To me there is too much bread a lot of the time and the ingredients in between get over-whelmed. I like to taste and savor all of the components and feel it is much easier to do so when you only have one piece of bread to deal with. (Not to mention it's a very simple way to cut carbs + calories).

My creation was a slice of Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted grain bread topped with:
-a thin schmear of pesto
-roasted red peppers
-shredded organic chicken
-a bit of FF mozzarella cheese


I stuck it all under the broiler with my face pressed to the oven window (I am NOT burning anymore food this week!) until it appeared to reach just the right degree of cooked :) Then threw on a bit of romaine for texture and nutrients!

Ate this with some raw veggies on the side- cucumber, cherry tomatoes and yellow peppers.
Before lettuce was added:

Aaand a sun-drenched photo with the lettuce added!
This was fulfilling and fun to eat, though a bit of a mess! I had to fork and knife it, picking the sandwich up would have been a recipe for disaster...

Afternoon Workout

Tone It Up posted a new workout today called the Sunkissed Abs Workout. With the race being tomorrow (!!!) I didn't want to do anything too exerting or that would make me too sore, but I figured I can ALWAYS use some ab work!

I enjoyed it, didn't think it was as challenging as the Best Abs Circuit that I do a lot of theirs, but it's good to change it up!

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